Discussions Torah

Numbers 14: Bad report about Promised Land sparks rebellion

The “bad report” brought by the spies about the land God promised to give Israel was a dishonest report. Yet because the majority of the spies were willing to spread lies, the honest report of the two faithful spies was drowned out. The leaders of Israel believed the false report so completely that they were planning an insurrection to have Moses and Aaron stoned and then appoint a “leader” who would return them to Mitsraim (Egypt).

Numbers 14 is an example of democracy gone wrong. It also shows us God’s great patience with us in our lack of trust. We would not have tolerated the 10 times of grumbling that God tolerated from ancient Israel during the journey from Mitsraim. Yet He had to enact discipline too.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

John 1:17 and Rom. 3:28: Two-faced scriptures on law and grace?

What is “grace” in the New Testament of the Bible, and who gives it? Did Yeshua’s grace replace or usurp God’s grace? No, God gave us grace when he gave mankind the Torah and then He gave us even more grace when He gave us Yeshua. One does not replace the other. Works of Torah obedience are only of use to the believer after one trusts in God for salvation — not before — because salvation cannot be earned.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 4-5: How to take care of holy things; judgment beings in God’s house

God is careful to make sure that holy things are treated with respect and covered up. Anyone who touched a holy thing unworthily would die. However, if God’s holy people — His assembly — sins, that sin will be uncovered and dealt with by Him. He will make sure it’s exposed. However, if someone is falsely accused, He will vindicate them too.

Apostolic Writings Be a Berean series Videos

Video: Mystery of Double-Minded Scriptures on Grace and Law

Here is part 2 of the Be a Berean video study series by Sean Hilton. In this episode, Sean explores dozens of ‪ ‎New Testament‬ verses that seem to say be contradictory on whether the Law (aka the ‪Torah‬) is what believers in ‪‎Yeshua‬ the Messiah‬ (‪Jesus‬ Christ) should be keeping or is “nailed to the cross.” Sean asks those interested in knowing God better whether the Bible is double-minded on grace and the Law.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Mature believers and the Torah: Meaning of ‘Sarah’ and ‘Hagar’ in Galatians 4

Galatians 4, with its discussion of freedom from being “under [the] law” and not of the Jerusalem related to the flesh, is often cited by those who argue that observing the Torah is a backward step for believers in Messiah Yeshua. However, considering what Paul already wrote in chapters 1 through 3 and the parallel discussion in Romans 5–7, his point in this chapter is that both Jews and non-Jews are in the same situation without God’s method of salvation, which isn’t God’s Law. Yet God’s goal for humanity long-term is heart-led obedience to His Law.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Samuel 14 — Jonathan’s victory, Saul’s edict and folly

The decline of Saul’s rule over Israel is again evident in 1st Samuel 14. His son Jonathan shows himself to be a great warrior against the Philistines with some characteristics of David.

Discussions Questions

Question: How do the Law and the Prophets ‘hang’ on the two ‘greatest commandments’?

What is meant by “on these two commandments depend/hang the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:40), regarding the “Greatest Commandment” and the “Golden Rule”?