Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 21:27-22:29 — Paul’s defense literallly causes a riot

Paul had been attacked by those in the temple who thought he had brought uncircumcised believers from the nations inside while he was bringing four Nazarite vow-takers into the temple at the end of their time. The Roman commander in Yerushalayim pulled Paul out of the melee, and Paul received permission to address the crowd. The gathering quietly listened to his talk until he mention that the “Righteous One,” i.e. Messiah, had sent Paul to give the good news of God to the nations.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 8 — Stephen & Phillip show the heart of God

The Sanhedrin and Simon the magician demonstrated a thirst for the power of God without having His Spirit change the heart. God has predestined mankind to be His people and sent Messiah Yeshua to make that possible again.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 8:4 — What does it mean to ‘proclaim the gospel’? Play in new window | Download (Duration: 50:04 — )Subscribe: RSSIn Acts 8:4 we read about "preaching the gospel," but the phrase has become so overused that many don’t know what it means to preach and what "news" they’re preaching.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 7:57 – 8:3 — True & false witnesses for God at Stephen’s execution Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:15 — )Subscribe: RSSMartyrs are commonly thought to be people who suffer or die for their beliefs, but the core meaning of martyr is one who is careful and bears witness. Not only does Stephen model Messiah Yeshua’s teaching in death, but also do the faithful witnesses […]

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 7 — Sanhedrin v. Stephen and Israelite history

Stephen, one of seven exceptional men the 12 selected as special ministers for the needs of the congregation in Yerushalayim, is accused of blaspheming God and Moshe and speaking against the temple and “the law,” specifically, saying that Yeshua would destroy the temple and “alter the customs Moses handed down to us.” Was Yeshua Messiah or manipulator? Stephen responds with a Peter-like cutting-to-the-heart retelling of Israel’s history.

Appointments With God Tabernacles

Sukkot — Solomon dedicates the temple and foreshadows his fall and that of the temple

Day 2 — Solomon’s life mirrors my own to a certain extent, minus the world-inspiring wisdom and riches plus hundreds of nuptials of geopolitical convenience.

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Acts 6:9 – 7:2 — Stephen accused of blasphemy

Stephen, one of the seven servants the 12 picked to serve the Yerushalayim congregation, is brought before the Sanhedrin on a number of serious accusations that the law of God indicates are worthy of death. Before looking at his defense in Acts 7, we should look at what blasphemy is.