Discussions Torah

Genesis 20 — Sarah in the household of Abimelech

Abraham, again, creates a mess by “fibbing” in claiming that his half-sister and wife Sarah is just his sister. Again the royalty that claims Sarah for suffers a judgment for doing so. Why does God call such a seemingly short-sighted man like Abraham a prophet?

Discussions Torah

Genesis 18 — Abraham hosts God for lunch as mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah is negotiated

The LORD and two heavenly messengers visit Abraham and Sarah for lunch. The LORD reveals that Sarah will have a son and Sodom and Gomorra will have a holocaust. Abraham bargains for mercy on the cities.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 17 — ‘Destroyer God’ cuts the deal with Abraham deeper with circumcision

Circumcision has been a misunderstood “sign” of the deal El Shaddai, literally God Who Has the Power to Destroy Anything, “cut” with Abraham to create a great people and bless the world, ultimately seen in Messiah Yeshua. Can anyone become “blameless” before God?

Discussions Torah

Genesis 16 — Hagar and the divine destiny for Ishmael

This chapter is our introduction to Hagar, Sarai’s Egyptian maidservant. We see how Hagar was exalted and then brought down. When Hagar fled and was at her lowest point, we discover God had His eyes on Hagar and had a purpose for her and her unborn son.

Discussions Torah

Gen. 16:1 — Sarah is a ‘noble woman’

The name of Abram’s wife is recorded as Sarai. Is this a name or a title? If a title, what does it mean for her and for us as her daughters in faith?

Discussions Torah

Genesis 12 — the first promise to Abram

In Genesis 12 we hear God’s great command to Abram “go forth from your country” to establish God’s ambassadorial nation, Israel. We also see the great man of faith, Abram, needed to mature in his faith, as we do.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 11 — the world for a brief time has one mind, speech and culture

Genesis 11 starts with confusion and ends with the story of the family line which will bring the Messiah into the world and bring God’s order back to earth.