Discussions Torah

Numbers 19–21: Mystery of the red heifer reveals the work of Messiah

The Torah reading חֻקַּת‎ Chukat (“statute of”) starts with “the statute (khukat) of the red heifer” and the bronze serpents, which are both symbolic of the role of the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).

Discussions Torah

Numbers 19: Red heifer a picture of Messiah

God did not create the ritual of the red heifer, described in Numbers 19, to prevent the spread of disease but to make sure we don’t treat the death of a fellow human being casually. That’s regardless of whether their death was recent or many years ago. Death is our enemy. Death is not natural. Death is not our friend. The symbol of the red heifer points to the Messiah, and we can learn how much Yeshua did for us through that symbol.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 18-19: High priest as a type of the Messiah; lesson of the mysterious red heifer

There is a very special but blunt message in Numbers 18–19, targeted to the High Priest and his family. Moses is not addressed at all. God impresses upon the High Priest family and the Levites the seriousness of their charge. They are given certain rights within in the community of Israel but also gives them very serious responsibilities. God also places serious consequences on the High Priestly family and the Levites if they are derelict in their Temple duties.

Discussions Torah

Numbers 19 — The red heifer

One of the most mysterious passages regarding the sacrifices involved with the sanctuary and temple of Israel is the red heifer. In fact, this teaching in Numbers 19 is intimately connected with the mission of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).