Discussions Torah

Exodus 27:20–30:10: High priest foreshadows Messiah Yeshua’s redeeming humanity

The garments of Israel’s High Priest, detailed in Torah reading תצוה Tetzaveh (“you shall command,” Exodus 27:20-30:10), mark him as the highest representative of the people before God. Messiah Yeshua, equally God and equally man, is uniquely qualified to fill that role completely.

The connection between the menorah, the altar of incense and the people of Israel is equally profound as the work of their hands and their prayers are lifted to God symbolically by Aharon the High Priest and literally in Heaven by Messiah Yeshua, our eternal High Priest.

Discussions Torah

Judgment that doesn’t have to come: Lessons from Egypt’s plagues (Exodus 10:1–13:16)

The cost of freedom for enslaved Yisra’el was the death of the firstborn of Mitzraim, and the cost of our freedom from slavery to the deathward lifestyle away from the Creator is the death of the LORD’s Firstborn.

The last three plagues, including the coming of the Destroyer for the firstborn of Mitzraim, and the first Pesakh are the focus of Torah reading בוא Bo (“come,” Exodus 10:1-13:16).

Discussions Torah

Genesis 44:18–47:27: Yosef foreshadows Yeshua’s grace

Aesop’s ancient saying “familiarity breeds contempt” could easily sum up how Yosef’s brothers treated him in his early years and how many leaders of Yisra’el treated Yeshua. The prophetic parallels between Yosef and Yeshua the Mashiakh sharpen further in the Torah section Vayigash (“he approached”).

In it, the brothers’ contempt turns to fear when they realize their plots against Yosef have put them at his mercy. It’s also a picture of the Day of the LORD, when Yisra’el then the world must confess, “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the LORD.”

Discussions Torah

Genesis 41:1-44:17: Yitzkhak’s and Yosef’s extended passion play

Torah section Miketz (“from the end,” Genesis 41:1-44:17) is a passion play of the Mashiakh. The suffering Yosef puts his brothers through was not only a recollection of Yosef’s own sufferings but also a foreshadowing of the suffering of the future Anointed One.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 37–40: What’s your legacy in the Kingdom of God?

Are you living where God wants you to live? That’s the question the LORD explored with Yosef and Yehudah in the Torah section Vayeshev, which means “and he dwelled.” It introduces in earnest the two main characters ― biblically, called “houses” ― in the leadership of Israel’s legacy, the knowledge of and connection with the Creator.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 32:4–36:43: Face up to your past, so Mashiakh can purge it

Ya’akov meets with Eysau and becomes one again with his family. From there, Ya’akov’s family has to clean out the wickedness from their household. As we see in Torah section Vayishlach (“and he sent,” Genesis 32:4–36:43), there’s messianic symbolism of the “son forever.” It points to God’s Son, the Mashiakh Yeshua, Who died in sorrow but was resurrected and sits at God’s right hand forever.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 28:10–32:2: Underestimating the strength of the ‘weak’

When the righteous look like they are going to be beaten and overcome by evil, watch out. In the Torah passage Vayetze (“he went out,” Genesis 28:10-32:2), we encounter Ya’akov’s fleeing Eysau’s death threat to Laban’s house then fleeing death threats of his brothers-in-law. Truly, the party who appears to be weaker actually is stronger. Although we are surrounded by those who will call us fools because we believe in God, we will witness our vindication, just as Ya’akov did, if we are patient.