
How Messiah makes the best-laid plans of snake and men go oft awry (Numbers 19–24)

In the Torah readings of חֻקַּת‎ Chukat (“statute of,” Numbers 19:1–22:1) and בָּלָק Balak (Numbers 22:2-25:9), we see the mysterious instructions for the red heifer, Israel’s apostasy; judgment by “fiery” snakes then the brass serpent; and also a talking donkey. One may wonder why all of these are coming together.

One thread through it all is the downhill slide of the first generation of Israel post-Exodus as they are dying off and the second generation are ascending into leadership. Chukat and Balak cover nearly 40 years of time in the history of Israel between the Exodus from Mitzraim (Egypt) and her entry into the Promised Land.

How the snake relates to the donkey and the savior finds its fullness in the arrival of Yeshua haMashiakh (Jesus the Christ).

Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Unclean skins covering the holy Tabernacle? Pagan name for the LORD? (Numbers 1:1–4:20)

Why would the Tabernacle be covered with the skin of an unclean animal? Why would God call Himself by the name of a pagan god? Here are answers to such questions from the Torah reading בְּמִדְבַּר Bemidbar (“in the wilderness,” Num. 1:1–4:20).

Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 21:25-28: Sign and sound of the coming of the Son of Man

Continuing our study of Yeshua’s “apocalyptic discourse” in Luke 21, Matthew 24-25 and Mark 13, this time we focus on the phrase “sign of the Son of Man.”

The Exodus from Egypt came before God gave the Law at Sinai. Israel was given freedom from slavery before they learned His law.