Discussions Torah

Genesis 1:4 — ‘it was good’

Why is there the repetition in Genesis 1 of “God saw ____ and it was good”? When God repeats Himself, take notice of something important. When He repeats Himself seven times in the same chapter, get ready for something amazing. Richard leads a discussion of what was so good about the light and everything else God created.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 1:3 — ‘let there be light’

In Gen. 1:3, God says, “Let there be light!” Richard explores the connection between God’s bringing light to darkness at the beginning of the world to Messiah Yeshua’s (Jesus) bringing His “light” to the darkness of people living apart from God.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 1:2 — ‘and darkness’

What is the big deal about “light” and “darkness” at the beginning of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1? How is that connected to the light and darkness Yeshua (Jesus), the prophets and the apostles talk about in connection to people?