Discussions Torah

Exodus 38:21–40:38: Abomination of desolation vs. glory of habitation

During the course of Israel’s settlements in the wilderness and later in the Promised Land, God’s name rested on several places, including Shiloh and later Jerusalem. The Tabernacle was never desecrated by outside forces but it’s worship was compromised from the outside in.

The Temple, in Jerusalem, on the other hand, was sacked several times by corrupt kings as well as foreign invaders. Sometimes, God blessed the dedications of His temples with a visible sign of His Divine Presence, sometimes he did not. In the Torah reading פקודי Pekudei (“countings,” Exodus 38:21–40:38), we will look at how and why God did or did not visibly show His presence when the various Tabernacles and Temples were dedicated or rededicated through Israel’s history.

Discussions Life With God Questions

How do we make the God’s words honorable?

How are we living up to God’s instruction to make His words in the Bible “honorable”?

Discussions Torah

Exodus 27-28: Lessons of the returning Messiah in the High Priest’s clothing

What does it mean to be “a statute forever” when the Tabernacle and Temple haven’t been standing in a long time? We are told that all the elements of the Tabernacle made after a pattern shown in Heaven. How do the stones representing the tribes of Israel, who lived on earth, have a pattern in Heaven? These patterns reveal things about the returning Messiah.