Discussions Prophets and Writings

Job 1-4: Be slow to judge others

Given an outside view of what the Adversary was allowed to do to ’Iyyob (Job), we can look down on the spiritual ignorance of his three friends and even of ’Iyyob’s statements in his defense. Rather, this is a powerful lesson on proverbially removing the “log” from one’s eye before looking for the “sawdust” in someone else’s.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

Angel of 2nd Samuel 24

We have this idea that God in the Torah is different than Yeshua in the New Testament but this is not true. God doesn’t change and neither does human nature. God has the same toolkit to deal with defiant and unrepentant hearts now that He did when He confronted King David’s defiant census. Have our hearts and ears become hardened because of our false impression of Yeshua’s character?