Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 7:40-51: Moving from copper Snake world to God’s golden kingdom

Continuing the 1st Kings 7 exploration of the lessons of the design of the temple Solomon built for God, we see a division of copper and gold items. The lesson of copper in the outer temple area and gold in the inner temple area is God wants to clean us by moving us from the world of the Snake to God’s world.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 7:23-39: Symbols of the temple cleaning basins

Continuing the lessons from the items in the temple Solomon built for God, we look at the washing basins and see a parallel between the design elements and the role of God’s Spirit in cleaning the lives of believers and our role in that.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 7:13-22: Prophecy of the two temple pillars

Like with the previous passages on the design of the temple and Solomon’s palace, the design of the two pillars at the entrance of the temple reveals the prophecy by Ezekiel’s lying on one side and the other. Solomon was prophesying the number of years the temple would stand before being destroyed.

Discussions Prophets and Writings

1st Kings 6:15-38: Lessons about believers in God from the interior design Solomon’s Temple

Just as the design of the walls and foundation of the temple Solomon built for God showed a pattern for the proper “foundation” for believers in God (1st Kings 6:1-14), the design of the interior of the temple provides a pattern for the character of believers.

Discussions Prophets and Writings Trumpets

1st Kings 6:1-14: Design of Solomon’s temple mirrors foundation for believers

The temple of King Shlomo (Solomon) is the prototype of the temple in Ezekiel and the temple apostle Yokhanan (John) sees in Revelation as well. These components were not put in by Shlomo’s own choice. They were designed and selected by God ahead of time because they mean something to God. In a sense, the Temple is us. Each physical component has a spiritual component.