Discussions Torah

Genesis 1:1 — ‘beginning’ part 2

Knowing where all that is comes from is important, but God plans to make the end, the outcome, of us and the earth greater than the beginning. We explore more deeply what it was about the end that God declared in the beginning, in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.

Discussions Torah

Genesis 1:1 — ‘beginning’ part 1

The first book in the Bible is called Genesis, which is Greek for “beginning.” The meaning of “beginning” in the Hebrew language in which the book was written can tell us a lot about Messiah.

Discussions Torah

Introduction to Genesis

Genesis, as the name of the first book of the Bible indicates, is about beginnings. What did God begin in the beginning? More than you think, and it all has to do with what Messiah would do, is doing and will do.