Apostolic Writings Discussions Prophets and Writings Torah

Exodus 28: How to ‘altar’ your future to live with the ‘Lion of God’

Why does it matter how Israel’s first high priest, Aaron, and his sons were dressed, as described in great detail in Torah section תצוה Tetzaveh (“you shall command,” Exodus 27:20–30:10)? Is it merely for drawing attention to the wearer? No. We are to remember as we study about the High Priest is that every description of the High Priest is a description of the Messiah. Everytime you see read about someone being anointed with oil, that is a picture of the Messiah. 

As we’ll see in this study of Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 43 and Revelation 21, a repeating lesson is the Tabernacle/Temple altar is key to how we will live with the Mashiakh Yeshua (Christ Jesus), not only the “Lion of Judah” but also the “Lion of God.”

Discussions Torah

Exodus 39-40: Designs for the Tabernacle implements shows God has a place for each of us

There is a lot of exactness described in Exodus 39-40 for the design of the furniture and implements of the Tabernacle of Israel. One lesson we can draw from this is every piece of furniture had its own exclusive place. Every item had its irreplaceable function in God’s house. We were all brought to God’s High Priest first. Yeshua the High Priest presented us to the Father. When God calls us to Himself, He calls us to our irreplaceable task too.

Another lesson from the directed precision is God trained the people to stay where He stayed and move when He moved.

Discussions Torah

Exodus 27-28: Lessons of the returning Messiah in the High Priest’s clothing

What does it mean to be “a statute forever” when the Tabernacle and Temple haven’t been standing in a long time? We are told that all the elements of the Tabernacle made after a pattern shown in Heaven. How do the stones representing the tribes of Israel, who lived on earth, have a pattern in Heaven? These patterns reveal things about the returning Messiah.