Discussions Torah

Perpetual priesthood of peace and mercy for wayward Israel (Numbers 25)

Have you been “dragged away and enticed” by something that seems irresistibly appealing? Feel like God could never take you back? A false prophet enticed Israel away from God with sex, but God’s ambassador was there to mend the relationship.

Have you been “dragged away and enticed” by something that seems irresistibly appealing? Feel like God could never take you back? A false prophet enticed Israel away from God with sex, but God’s ambassador was there to mend the relationship. 

Thought questions

  • What is the significance of the covenant of peace with Phinehas?
  • What was Peor?
  • How does that play into Baalam’s knowledge of the LORD?
  • What does Ba’al mean?
  • What does “hang them in the sun” mean in Num. 25:4? Which direction does the tabernacle face?
  • Why is the Midianite woman who went in the an Isarelite man named?
  • What does “worship” mean?
  • How did Phinehas make atonement for Israel by killing the rebellious Israelite man?
  • What does “whoredom” or “play the harlot” mean in Num. 25:1? What does “adultery” mean?
  • How does this meaning play into the prophet’s and Messiah’s use of the word to describe rebellious Israelites?
  • Why were the leaders weeping at the door of the Tabernacle?