Apostolic Writings Discussions

Luke 12:35-59: Yeshua shows how to truly prepare for the Day of the LORD

Some believers in God’s Messiah become enraptured with Bible study and/or prophecy to understand “hidden” meaning and timelines for the Day of the Lord. In Luke 12 and Matthew 6, Yeshua continued a parable-filled teaching on how God wants one to be truly prepared for that day: preparing one’s heart and mind then doing God-ordained tasks in the real world.

JeffSome believers in God’s Messiah become enraptured with Bible study and/or prophecy to understand “hidden” meaning and timelines for the Day of the Lord. In Luke 12 and Matthew 6, Yeshua continued a parable-filled teaching on how God wants one to be truly ready for that day: preparing one’s heart and mind then doing God-ordained tasks in the real world.

In the first part of this study of Luke 12, we explored how God instructs His people to open their hands and share the abundance of God’s blessings with those who need help. We read how Yeshua weaved together teachings on greed, charity and wealth.

Compare Luke 12:35–59 with Matt. 5:14–16; 24:32–25:46. How are those who trust in God and the Messiah supposed to prepare for the Day of the Lord? Apostles Yokhanan (John), Peter and Paul brought inspired detail to the Master’s instructions:

  • Apostle Yokhanan (John 9:1–5)
  • Apostle Paul (Phil. 2:14–18; Eph. 6:10–17)
    • In talking about the “full armor of God” in Ephesians 6, apostle Paul drew from Isaiah 11, 52 and 59:
      • Isa. 11:1–13
      • Isaiah 59:1–29
        • This passage concludes with the same “covenant” as the “new covenant” foretold in Jer. 31:31–34: putting God’s Spirit upon His people and His words in their mouths.
        • The Hebrew word for righteousness in verse 17 is צְדָקָה tzedaqa (Strong’s lexicon No. H6666).
        • The word for salvation in the same verse is יְשׁוּעָה yeshuʿa (H3444).
        • Notice that the “garments of vengeance” are not among the “armor of God” Paul recommends believers put on. That’s because God said, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay” (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19; Heb. 10:30).
      • Isa. 52:1–12
  • Apostle Peter (1st Pet. 1:10–25)
    • Apostle Peter defined holiness the same way God defined it in Leviticus 11, 19 and 20: “You must be holy, because I am holy.”
    • Isaiah 40 was an important part of Yokhanan the Immerser’s message of turning back to God.

Speaker: Jeff

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