Discussions Prophets and Writings

Joshua 11

Teacher: Daniel Agee

Thought questions

  • Why would God command the harming of horses that didn’t harm you or for food?
  • In Deuteronomy 17:14, God commands Israel not to raise chariot horses, what does the use of chariot horses have to do with faith?
  • What was so special about the city of Sidon, located in modern-day Lebanon?
  • What’s the significance in this chapter of Jewish philosophy that says you must give an enemy the chance for peace before attack?
  • How were Rahab’s actions perceived by the people to Canaan?
  • Should we pray that the world be hardened by the Islamization of the world so the evil can be exposed in not wanting peace with G-d?
    • How is this similar to G-d’s actions in Egypt and Canaan?
    • What did Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung expose about their ideologies?