Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 17-18: A Prophet greater than Moses to come; ‘abomination’ defined; punishment for following other gods and a warning against doing that; choosing a king; Levite inheritance

Deuteronomy 17 covers the type of animals to be given for sacrifice, what to do with a person who is worshiping another god and when and how they will chose a king. Deuteronomy 18 explores Levites and their inheritance, a reminder to the children of Israel that they are not allowed to “learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations” and a foretelling of a Prophet will come who is even more powerful than Moses.

Appointments With God Passover Torah

Pattern of the plagues of the Exodus

The account of the 10 plagues on Mitsraim (Egypt) before Israel’s exodus has a pattern of mercy and judgment. Moses delivered warnings to Pharaoh followed by plagues, then a plague comes without warning.

Appointments With God Discussions Passover Torah

Messiah our Passover

We are continuing our Passover discussions leading up to the Passover itself. This is some additional background we need to cover before we partake of our annual Passover feast.

Appointments With God Discussions Passover Torah

Isaac and the Passover

Yitzkhak (Isaac) understood something that is hard for us to picture. He knew he was going to be killed, that is huge. Yitzkhak also believed in the promise of God and he knew that God would resurrect him, one way or another. Abraham tied up Yitzkhak, and that put the fear of God into Yitzkhak.

Discussions Torah

Deuteronomy 15-16: God teaches complete freedom via cycles of seven

Seven shows up repeatedly in Scripture. It appears first with the seventh day of creation, threads through God’s cycles of appointments with mankind, and foreshadows the timing of Messiah Yeshua’s arrival as the Word become flesh and culminates with many of the symbols of the Day of the Lord.

Discussions Tithe & Finances Torah

Deuteronomy 13-14: Destroy false ‘true’ prophecy; tithe in the third year

God’s severe instruction for dealing with someone who has dreams or receives messages that come true and who performs miracles is sobering. It was not a problem for a prophet or dreamer outside the Levitical community to perform miracles or have visions. This passage also covers God’s actual instructions for what is commonly called the “third tithe.”

Discussions Tithe & Finances Torah

Deuteronomy 12:8-32: Be thoughtful with your tithe, offerings

Last week, we read Moses told the people over and over that they were to destroy all the places where the people of the land worshipped their gods. He told the people that after they destroy all the places the people of the land worship their gods, they were to be thoughtful about what place they use to make their offerings and kill their food animals. In the rest of chapter 12, Moses told Israel there will come a time when there will be only one place where the people will be allowed to present sacrificial animals to the Lord.