Apostolic Writings Discussions Pentecost/Shavuot

Acts 2 — Peter preaches with power purposefully on Pentecost

Peter’s Pentecost sermon not only made A’s for power of the Spirit but also for being “politically incorrect” in condemning the listeners. Why did Peter say what he said this particular Pentecost? What are the consistent lessons of Pentecost, called Shavuot in Hebrew for “sevens” or “weeks”?

Peter’s Pentecost sermon not only made A’s for power of the Spirit but also for being “politically incorrect” in condemning the listeners. Why did Peter say what he said this particular Pentecost? What are the consistent lessons of Pentecost, called Shavuot in Hebrew for “sevens” or “weeks”?

Food for thought from the recorded discussion

Recap of Acts 1

Acts 1:23-26 — Why did they casts lots? What did it accomplish to cast lots? Were they just leaving the choice of Judas’ successor to chance?

  • Prov. 16:33 — “The cast is cast … but the whole decision is from the Lord.” What does this mean?
  • Lev. 16:8 is the text that tells us about the Day of Atonement. Lots were cast to chose which goat was “for the LORD” versus “for Azazel.” 
  • Joshua 18 tells us that they cast lots to determine the tribal divisions of the land of Israel.

Acts 1:6 records one of the last questions the Apostles asked of Yeshua. “Therefore, when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Yisra’el?’” 

The Greek word for “kingdom” is “basillia” which has several meanings, including: royal power, kingship, dominion, rule. Luke 1:32 records what Gabriel told Miriam that Yeshua would rule, which uses the same word, basillia. Isaiah 9:6 speaks of the “government upon His shoulders” which also uses this same word. 

How did Yeshua respond to the Apostles’ question (Acts 1:7-8)?

How does Acts 1:9 correspond with Daniel 7 and Zechariah 14? How are clouds connected to God and His power?

Acts 2 — God meeting the Apostles at Pentecost Shavuot

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How would you summarize what happened in Acts 2? Who was God bringing in? 

What was Peter’s accusation in Acts 2? What did he mean? Who was the target audience?

What did Peter mean by “lawless hands” (Acts 2:23: some translate anomos, literally “without law” as “godless”)? 

How did the audience respond to Peter’s sermon (Acts 2:37)?

When did this event happen (Acts 2:1)? Was this an important time of year? How important? Who would have been required to come (Deut. 16:6)? What are the different names for this particular feast?

What does Acts 2:46 tell us about where these events occurred? Were they still in the upper room? 

How does this event compare with Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19; Deuteronomy 5; 2nd Corinthians 3)?

How does this event compare to Babel? 

In what way are believers in Messiah Yeshua supposed to be united?

Does Acts 2:44-47 teach a Christian form of communism, with the believers sharing their possessions?

120 + 3,000 = multiplying the people of God

Speaker: Jeff. Reader: Daniel Agee.